Pressure Sensors, Transducers
Found 9698 items
TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties 13A-015G
$61.60 $68.44
Autonics PSA-1P-NPT1/8
$125.96 $139.95
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation 1 INCH-G-4V-PRIME
$197.83 $219.81
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation ELVH-030A-HAND-C-NAA5
$40.12 $44.58
Atlas Scientific EZO-PSR
$104.39 $115.99
Belimo 22ADP-584
$137.30 $152.55
CUI Devices PS03-A100KP-A4W
$53.99 $59.99
TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties 1210A-015A-3S
$35.40 $39.33
Micro Sensor MPM280 14 S 0 L 1
$62.55 $69.50
Panasonic Electronic Components ADP41410
$19.94 $22.16
CUI Devices PS02-G250MP-4W
$72.19 $80.21
Amphenol NovaSensor NPH-8-030GH
$109.42 $121.58
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 19C300PA4K
$269.17 $299.08
Balluff BSP00HJ
$177.88 $197.65
AVSensors CHT-2 LT015PA3
$43.20 $48.00
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 19C030PV4K
$274.36 $304.85