Pressure Sensors, Transducers
Found 9698 items
TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties 85-030A-0U
$57.15 $63.50
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation ELVH-150G-HAND-I-N2A4
$31.42 $34.91
Amphenol NovaSensor NPA-300B-015G
$33.30 $37.00
Autonics TPS30-G27AR2-00
$154.76 $171.95
WIKA 50426800
$123.75 $137.50
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation 10 INCH-D-HGRADE-MINI
$41.59 $46.21
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 24PCCFA6G
$51.12 $56.80
Bourns Inc. BPS110-AG01P0-2DG
$35.25 $39.17
Autonics TPS30-G2FAG4-00
$154.76 $171.95
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions HSCDRRN001NDAA5
$104.98 $116.65
Trafag Sensors and Controls 8473.F8.5430.
$223.41 $248.23
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions XCAL4010GN
$96.44 $107.15
AVSensors DPG-2 N2 160KG
$72.90 $81.00
Trafag Sensors and Controls 8381.HA.2530.35.PA.P1.44.ZS.Z1.Z2
$333.91 $371.01