Pressure Sensors, Transducers
Found 9698 items
Autonics TPS30-G27AG8-00
$154.76 $171.95
Panasonic Electronic Components ADP1121
$20.13 $22.37
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation DLC-L05D-D4
$33.20 $36.89
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation ELVH-M160G-HKNJ-C-N5A4
$37.85 $42.06
CUI Devices PS08-G25MP-6P
$53.99 $59.99
TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties 86-005G-RT
$89.21 $99.12
Keller America Inc 0169.12003.022503
$121.50 $135.00
TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties 154BC-T-028BA-C
$152.60 $169.55
Autonics TPS30-A35AN4-00
$149.36 $165.95
AVSensors MCT-2A 001PB51
$43.20 $48.00
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 26PCBFB6G
$69.80 $77.56
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions CPX100GF
$15.21 $16.90
Amphenol All Sensors Corporation 15 PSI-G-4V-MIL
$183.60 $204.00
CUI Devices PS03-A16MP-V4W
$53.99 $59.99