Position Sensors - Angle, Linear Position Measuring
Found 4938 items
Sensata-BEI Sensors 9806R5KL2.0
$127.66 $141.84
Bourns Inc. AMS22B5A1BLASL320N
$35.64 $39.60
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions RTY360HVEBA
$134.97 $149.97
Bourns Inc. AMS22U5A1BHARL326
$50.40 $56.00
Bourns Inc. 3046L-3-503
$12.23 $13.59
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions RTY270LVEAX
$97.61 $108.46
Bourns Inc. AMS22U5A1BHARL116
$50.40 $56.00
Melexis Technologies NV MLX90364LVS-ADD-200-TU
$5.77 $6.41
NVE Corp/Sensor Products ADT001-10E TR
$2.02 $2.24
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions RTY090HVNBX
$114.67 $127.41
Melexis Technologies NV MLX90378GDC-ABJ-300-SP
$6.58 $7.31
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. MA734GQ-Z
$6.03 $6.70
Melexis Technologies NV MLX90364LVS-ADB-200-RE
$3.30 $3.67
ams AS5600L-ASOP
$1.54 $1.71
Allegro MicroSystems A1338LLETR-T
$1.67 $1.85
Vishay Sfernice UIPMA050I472XCB
$11.38 $12.65
Milont Technology Co., Ltd 4403063885547-WS-100-A3
$468.00 $520.00
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions RTY180HVEBX
$139.34 $154.83
Bourns Inc. AMS22S5A1BLAFL119
$42.57 $47.30