Logic - Gates and Inverters
Found 13357 items
Fairchild Semiconductor NC7WZ32K87
$0.09 $0.10
National Semiconductor 54ALS30AW/883
$1.33 $1.48
onsemi 74VHC14MX
$0.58 $0.64
onsemi MC14049UBFELG
$0.22 $0.24
onsemi MC74VHC1G05DFT2
$0.04 $0.05
Fairchild Semiconductor MM74HCT14MXNL
$0.20 $0.22
onsemi NC7WZ02K8X
$0.37 $0.41
Texas Instruments SNJ54H55W
$10.48 $11.65
Nexperia USA Inc. 74LVC32APW-Q100J
$0.13 $0.15
National Semiconductor JM54AC20BCA
$7.98 $8.87
Diodes Incorporated 74LV06AT14-13
$0.38 $0.42
National Semiconductor 54LS11LM
$2.83 $3.14
Texas Instruments SN74AUC02RGYR
$0.19 $0.21
Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TC7S04FU,LF
$0.41 $0.46
Motorola MC5402F
$2.02 $2.24
National Semiconductor 962FMQB
$18.99 $21.10
Nexperia USA Inc. 74LV1T32GVH
$0.13 $0.14
NXP USA Inc. 74HC14D/S200,118
$0.06 $0.07
Nexperia USA Inc. 74LVC04AD,118
$0.43 $0.48