Logic - Gates and Inverters
Found 13357 items
Texas Instruments SN74AHCT08PW
$1.04 $1.16
Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TC74HC14AFELF
$0.18 $0.20
onsemi NLV18SZ32DFT2G
$0.09 $0.10
Texas Instruments CD40107BPSR
$0.46 $0.51
NXP USA Inc. 74AHC2G32DC-Q100125
$0.18 $0.20
Texas Instruments 5962-86838012A
$22.48 $24.98
onsemi NL27WZ02MU1TCG
$0.64 $0.71
National Semiconductor 9S42DC
$3.08 $3.42
STMicroelectronics 74LCX32MTR
$0.42 $0.47
Renesas Electronics America Inc 74HC132FPEL-E
$0.54 $0.60
Texas Instruments SN74AHCT32DBR
$0.11 $0.12
onsemi NL17SZ32XV5T2
$0.04 $0.05
National Semiconductor 74S03PC
$0.22 $0.25
onsemi NLV17SZ00DFT2G
$0.10 $0.11
Fairchild Semiconductor NC7SP02L6X
$0.16 $0.18
Texas Instruments SN74HC05DR
$0.48 $0.53
NXP USA Inc. N74F08D,623
$0.09 $0.10
Nexperia USA Inc. 74HC32PW-Q100,118
$0.15 $0.17
Texas Instruments SN74HC05PW
$0.25 $0.28
NXP Semiconductors 74HCT132DB,118
$0.14 $0.16