Evaluation and Demonstration Boards and Kits
Found 15551 items
Texas Instruments ADS1198ECGFE-PDK
$214.92 $238.80
Microchip Technology ADM00663
$89.86 $99.84
STMicroelectronics STEVAL-IHP002V1
$289.58 $321.75
Infineon Technologies AUIR3241SBOARDB2BTOBO1
$141.02 $156.69
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADAU7118Z
$426.61 $474.01
STMicroelectronics EVAL4981A
$59.90 $66.55
SparkFun Electronics BOB-18011
$6.26 $6.95
onsemi NB3M8T3910GEVB
$540.00 $600.00
APS BAP-1950A-C02A2-0-H-4OL
$615.82 $684.25
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-AD5932EBZ
$94.64 $105.16
Texas Instruments ISO5852SEVM
$52.92 $58.80
Texas Instruments PSEMTHR24EVM-081
$754.92 $838.80
Microchip Technology ATMXT2952TD-DEV-PCB
$218.11 $242.34
Texas Instruments DS90UB927QEVM
$322.92 $358.80
Infineon Technologies REFWATERPUMP100WTOBO1
$633.74 $704.16
Texas Instruments USB-C-PD-TKT-EVM
$106.92 $118.80
Meftronics SPR-24V-30A-BB-WF-1
$177.60 $197.33
Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated MAX34417EVKIT#
$154.27 $171.41
Texas Instruments TPS16630-32EVM
$106.92 $118.80
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADAU1772Z
$236.92 $263.25